Winery Tanks


We recommend pre-booking custom tanks a couple months ahead of when they will be required, so you are guaranteed to have ample storage in wine season.

In addition to having Ripley Stainless build your wine tanks, another option if you are in urgent need, is to call us about our rental tanks. Throughout the year we generally have a good stock on-hand.

Contact us to learn more.


Open Top Winery Tanks

These custom made, open top, variable capacity, floating-lid tanks have a full range of features.

Dimensions to be determined by RSL and customer
Capacity Dependant on your requirements
Lid Floating lid with boat winch, heavy-duty lid seal and air-inflating device
Sidewall thickness & size varies based on tank size
1st Manway Side oval 14” x 18” with out-swing
Bottom Flat sloping bottom
Cooling Jacket temperature controlled cooling jackets in 1-zones (maximum “20” psi)
Thermowell thermowell & thermometer (2)½” FNPT 6” long
Legs tall stainless steel legs for easy bin access
2nd Manway 16” x 20” side rectangular manway
Tank Material All quality inspected 304 stainless steel alloy
Fittings 2” racking valve, 3” drain valve
Exterior Finish 2B with all welds ribbon polished/ bright #3 exterior spin polish
Interior Finish 2B with all welds TIG welded with heat stain removed


All tanks are fabricated using standard material sizes and normal tank dimensions.

Ripley Stainless Ltd. is a custom tank fabricator and can design and fabricate tanks to suit your specific requirements. Shop drawings must be approved prior to fabrication.




Closed Top Winery Tanks

This tank is also called Stock/Fixed Top tank. These custom made, multi-use stock tanks can be used as white wine fermentation, blending or storage tanks.

Dimensions to be determined by RSL and customer
Top head Truncated top
Lifting Lugs (2) lifting lugs – minimum
Sidewall thickness & size varies based on tank size
Bottom Flat sloping bottom
Cooling Jacket temperature controlled cooling jackets (maximum “20” psi)
Thermowell thermowell & thermometer (1) ½” FNPT 6” long
Legs on short stainless steel legs
Manway 14” x 18” side oval manway
Tank Material All quality inspected 304 stainless steel alloy
Fittings 2” TC butterfly drain valve, 2” TC butterfly racking valve,1” TC sample valve
Exterior Finish 2B with all welds ribbon polished/ bright #3 exterior spin polish
Interior Finish 2B with all welds TIG welded with heat stain removed


All tanks are fabricated using standard material sizes and normal  tank dimensions.

Ripley Stainless Ltd. is a custom tank fabricator and can design and fabricate tanks to suit your specific requirements. Shop drawings must be approved prior to fabrication.



Econo Tanks

Economically priced, reliable, variable capacity tanks for various uses. One of the benefits of these tanks is that the customer can easily add on options at time of purchase or at any time in the future.

Standard Econo Tanks are a regular stock item therefore we have them on hand ready to go.

Dimensions to be determined by RSL and customer
Capacity see chart below
Lid Variable capacity lid, seal, vent valve, air pump and drain valve
Sidewall thickness & size varies based on tank size
Bottom Sloped bottom
Legs stainless steel stand with legs, extended legs and forklift channels
Tank Material All quality inspected 304 stainless steel alloy
Fittings 1½ – 2” drain, racking, and sample valve
Exterior Finish Bright #4


Capacity chart

Litres Dia. Height
250L 23.5” 36”
500L 31.5” 48”
1000L 42.5” 48”
1500L 46” 60”
2000L 52” 60”
3000L 60” 72”
4000L 64” 84”


Options for an Extra Charge:

  • Sample valve
  • Racking valve
  • Lid lifting arm
  • Boat winch
  • Cooling jacket
  • Thermowell and thermometer
  • Bottom red door/ side oval manway
  • Sloped bottom
  • Circle polish exterior finish


All tanks are fabricated using standard material sizes and normal  tank dimensions.

Ripley Stainless Ltd. is a custom tank fabricator and can design and fabricate tanks to suit your specific requirements. Shop drawings must be approved prior to fabrication.


Pallet Tanks

These stackable tanks are ultra sturdy and easily moveable making them a perfect solution if you are short of space.

Available in a variety of sizes to meet your requirements and include 2” radius corners, 2” TC drain, 18” top manway, forklift channels with a 2B stainless steel finish.

Options available: 13” x 17” side oval manway, cooling jacket (“20”psi), butterfly or ball valves. vacuum pressure valve, sample valve, sight tube, circle polish or #4 exterior finish. The height of the tank could also be increased to 8’.


Length Width Height Overall Imp. Ga US Gal. Liters Stackable
42” 45” 52” 67.5 350 425 1600 2-high
42” 45” 40” 55.5 270 320 1235 2-high
42” 45” 28” 43.5 190 230 860 3-high